Thursday 22 September 2016

Best Stock Tips

Prudent  Investments  Advisory  Service.

Calls  Update

Someone ( I would not like to disclose ), asked me today after watching performance in the excel sheet in my previous post ,  if such performance was really there .

Now, if that person is observing again , in the pic above, please notice the message highlighted in the blue box. This message was sent even before market opened. For your satisfaction, also note the same call given yesterday. You can see the second excel sheet in my previous post.

It mentions to buy Jub Food ( Cash ) above 966......T1 982-85......T2 993-95........SL below 952.
Which did not got triggered yesterday. But today it did and message was sent to track the call even before market opened.

Please notice that Jub Food ( Cash ) till now made a high 986.75........while my T1 was 982-85.
Hence, first target achieved.

With all due respect to that person, I work really hard to generate calls. It involves lot of time, effort,  dedication and utter submission. Also, quite in-depth analysis. I can't change your mindset but equity technical research is very effective, provided one does it in the right way. The messages in the  above mentioned pic and my previous posts are evidence of it.

Also, its not necessary that if a stock is about to give a breakout then it will give it the same day. It can break anytime. So, we need to keep track as no one knows the time when we get a valid breakout.

So, request you to not to doubt research. Rather, would advise you to learn it yourself. Give some years in learning and developing your skills. Then all your myths will be wiped out. Invest in yourself, because Investment in knowledge pays the best dividend.

Minimum Trades , Maximum Profit.

Prudent   Investments.

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